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Vegetarian Beginners Tips

Chocolate Cherry Sundae: a smoothie recipe

My girlfriend, Laura & I are what some people might call “work wives”. We spend more nights in hotel rooms this time of year than we do at home and we always room together. Poor girl, I hope she never gets sick of me because she can’t get rid of me!

Laura & I both prefer to eat food we’ve picked out versus food that is provided by the hotel so we try to get out to a local grocery store and pick up some healthy foods and snacks. Last March, we purchased little single-serve blenders (for less than $20) and we’ve been making these Chocolate Cherry Sundaes in hotel rooms ever since. ((we always ask the hotel to provide us with a refrigerator if the room doesn’t already have one so we can keep frozen cherries, almond milk, orange juice, kombucha, and salads.))

You’ll notice the chocolate in this recipe comes from two different sources: the chocolate almond milk and the chocolate protein powder and/or meal replacement. We use a variety of different powders including: Amazing Grass Green Superfood, Vega, and Garden Of Life Raw Protein – all of which can be found at Whole Foods.

  • 1 cup chocolate almond milk
  • 1 cup frozen cherries
  • 1 banana
  • 1 serving of chocolate protein powder or meal replacement
  1. In a blender, puree all ingredients until smooth.
  2. Serve immediately.