The Ultimate Vegan Lifestyle Blog

Vegetarian Beginners Tips

a Cookbook is the perfect Holiday Gift

One of my girlfriends reached out for a recommendation on a vegan/gluten-free-friendly cookbook to gift a client of hers. Making a recommendation was an easy task for me – there are a few books that I have used a lot and there are a few books that I wish someone would gift me. Consider one of these books as you are putting together your Gift Lists:

1. Skinny Bitch Ultimate Everyday Cookbook – I originally went vegan after picking up the original Skinny Bitch book to read on an airplane years ago. My whole world changed after reading the book and I am convinced that you could change someone’s world by gifting them this cookbook.

2. Vegan Cupcakes Take Over The World – I own the book and I’ve used it several times. I bought it during a time when I was completely obsessed with cupcakes. I’ll never admit how many cupcakes I actually ate during that year or two. Anyway, I’ve always had success with the recipes. This book would make a rocking’ gift because who DOESN’T love cupcakes. AND who WOULDN’T smile upon opening this little gift? Cupcakes make everyone smile. And vegan cupcakes make the (my) world go ’round.

3. Isa Does It – Isa wrote the Vegan Cupcakes book (that I’m obsessed with) and I can’t wait to get my hands on this book. A girlfriend of mine (who inspired me to write this post) asked for a cookbook recommendation that includes gluten-free and vegan dishes – this is the book she chose to purchase and will be gifting to one of her clients this year. Good choice, friend.

4. The Kind Diet – Alicia Silverstone is adorable isn’t she? Not only that, she’s compassionate and kind. This book makes a great gift because the author holds a household name and her book is chock-full of information and recipes that support a plant-based lifestyle.

5. Betty Goes Vegan – I love the concept of this book, the authors re-created recipes found in The Betty Crocker Cookbook which is a cookbook that everyone can relate to (my dad gifted me The Betty Crocker Cookbook the day I got my first apartment). This book is well-suited for vegetarians and meat-eaters alike, plus it looks like a book that would display nicely in a classic and/or modern American kitchen.

6. Vegan Yum Yum –  I am familiar with Vegan Yum Yum because I use their iPhone app which I’ve used several times for recipe inspiration. I looked through the recipe index for the book and I’m impressed by every single recipe listed, I bet you will be as well…

7. Bake and Destroy – I love this chick’s blog and although I don’t own the book YET, I know that I’ll love it too. Natalie, the author lives in Chicago so I feel like I have a special bond with her (even though she has no idea who I am). Check out her website, she is offering to sign purchased books for no cost – all you have to do is ship her the book and pay to have it shipped back to you. Sweet deal, right?

Happy Holidays and Happy Gifting! xo