The Ultimate Vegan Lifestyle Blog

Vegetarian Beginners Tips
Crispy Quinoa Fritters

crispy quinoa fritters – peace. love. quinoa

Aug 31

It’s kind of a big deal when my boyfriends teenage brother eats my food, let alone enjoys it. When I made these quinoa fritters the other night, the boys couldn’t get enough of them. While I ate them with a homemade tomato chutney, the boys stuffed the fritters into pita bread with homemade hummus and Sriracha, and served them up like a falafel sandwich.

We’ve actually made two batches of these fritters within the last week because they are versatile and easy to make. The second time I made these, I took the boys advice and stuffed my fritters in to a pita bread and served it up like a falafel sandwich. It was so.damn.good. (I think I’ve actually had 2 or 3 of these falafel-like sandwiches this week – in addition to the fritters I ate with chutney)


Crispy Quinoa Fritters

Author: peace. love. quinoa


  • 1 cup quinoa, cooked & cooled
  • ½ cup Parma OR Parmesan Cheese
  • 2 large eggs
  • ½ cup all-purpose flour OR gluten-free flour
  • additional flour for dusting
  • ½ teaspoon smoked paprika
  • 4-5 stems of fresh thyme, stems removed
  • 1 small onion, finely minced
  • 1 teaspoon sea salt
  • fresh black pepper, to taste
  • vegetable oil, for frying


  1. In a large bowl, combine quinoa, Parma, eggs, paprika, thyme, salt, pepper, and onion. Mix thoroughly to combine all ingredients.
  2. Use about 3-5 tablespoons (depending on how big you want your fritters to be) of the quinoa mixture and form patties. You may want to rub flour in to your hands to prevent the quinoa mixture from sticking.
  3. In a large skillet, add oil to ½ inch deep. Heat the oil to high heat.
  4. Fry the patties in oil on both sides until crispy brown. This should take 3-5 minutes on each side.
  5. Blot the hot fritters with paper towels.


Serve with Tomato Chutney (or in a pita as described above).


recipe adapted from White On Rice Couple.

Tagged with → chutney • comfort food • Cook • Fritter • gluten-free • Parma • quinoa • recipe • vegan • vegetarian 



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